With our vast knowledge and practice in the field of Lebanese agencies laws, we offer our clients expert advice in Agency licensing and Franchising. 

As these legal fields encompass tremendous complications and implications, our role is to assist our clients in drafting the proper paths to build solid and safe agreements to protect their investments and benefits.
Our clients range from the global players willing to offer local franchises and representations, to the local clients who need the necessary legal tools to deal with global agencies and franchisors.
Our expertise in the Lebanese Agencies laws, combined with our team’s deep involvement in other practice areas like corporate and intellectual property laws, offers to our clients all the required legal paperwork to achieve their agency licensing and franchising needs. 

Areas of Expertise 
Our large experience in the Agencies and Franchising legal services includes, among others: 
Agency licencing litigation, agreements drafting, Contracts renewals, legal registration, Intellectual property protection.

We recently achieved a very satisfying result in Beirut Appeal Court, where the Court issued a remarkable decision of rejecting a compensation claim regarding a commercial representation agreement for the benefit of our client (one of the largest German companies in the medical equipments field).